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Le bureau exécutif de l'AVOMM

"L'important n'est pas ce qu'on fait de nous, mais ce que nous faisons nous-mêmes de ce qu'on a fait de nous." Jean-Paul Sartre

"L'Association d'aides aux veuves et aux orphelins de mauritanie (AVOMM) qui nous rassemble, a été créée le 25/12/95 à PARIS par d'ex-militaires mauritaniens ayant fui la terreur, l'oppression, la barbarie du colonel Mawiya o/ sid'ahmed Taya ......
Ces rescapés des geôles de ould Taya, et de l'arbitraire, décidèrent, pour ne jamais oublier ce qui leur est arrivé, pour garder aussi la mémoire des centaines de martyrs, de venir en aide aux veuves, aux orphelins mais aussi d'engager le combat contre l'impunité décrétée par le pouvoir de Mauritanie."
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Bureau exécutif

*Ousmane SARR, président
*Demba Niang, secrétaire général
*Secrétaire général Adjt; Demba Fall
*Alousseyni SY, Chargé des relations extérieures
*Mme Rougui Dia, trésorière
*Chargé de l’organisation Mariame Diop
*adjoint Ngolo Diarra
*Mme Mireille Hamelin, chargée de la communication
*Chargé de mission Bathily Amadou Birama
*Kane Harouna
*Hamdou Rabby SY


Mauritanian President Remains in Captivity

Rappel des Etats-Unis : la libération immédiate et inconditionnelle du Président mauritanien Abdallahi.

Mauritanian President Remains in Captivity
The United States reiterates its call for the immediate and unconditional release of Mauritanian President Abdallahi. We strongly support the efforts of the African Union to restore the President to his office and to re-establish constitutional order.

The recent transfer of President Abdallahi from his place of detention in Nouakchott to continued detention in his home village does not constitute a ‘release,’ as it was described by the military junta. President Abdallahi remains deprived of his liberty, and is the only elected president on the continent subjected to such treatment. He is forced now to remain in a village of a few hundred inhabitants located about three hours by car from the capital. Visitors are screened and a small force of police and military personnel are always present.

Our chargé d’affaires in Mauritania visited President Abdallahi on November 17 at his new place of detention to convey our message of support personally and to underscore our solidarity with the Mauritanian people and their democracy. This was the first time since the military junta overthrew the democratically elected government on August 6 that anyone from our embassy has been able to see President Abdallahi, despite several requests to do so.

(Sean McCormack, Spokesman)

SOURCE : US Department of State
19 November 2008
Mercredi 19 Novembre 2008 - 21:29
Mercredi 19 Novembre 2008 - 21:37
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